Tumipampa / Dynacor Gold Mines Inc. (Au)
On the Tumipampa property, the geology mainly consists of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The intrusive units consist of the Apurimac batholith, which is locally also named Andahuaylas-Yauri. The metamorphic rocks are the quartzite units, which are part of the Soraya Formation of Lower Cretaceous age. From a regional perspective, the Tumipampa property is located in a gold-silver vein epithermal corridor which hosts several important hydrothermal deposits such as Orcopampa, Ares, Arcata, Caylloma, Shil-Paula, Selene-Pallancata and Antapite.
Recent surface exploration programs permitted the localization of fifteen (15) auriferous epithermal veins and structures identified as follows: Avelia, 2007 Vein, San Pedro Vein, Escondida Vein, Esperanza Vein, Porvenir Vein, A and B Veins, Vein 1, Disseminated Zone in the Quartzite, Lisa Vein, Creston Siliceo (Silicified Cap), Massive sulphide Manto Dorado, Manto Nazarena and Manto Nelly. Underground works have also been undertaken mainly in the Manto Dorado, the Manto Nazareno zones and Lisa vein, adits, drifts and cross-cuts were excavated from 2012 to 2016.
From 2012 to 2015, four (4) drilling programs were completed on the Tumipampa Property, totaling 12,616.30 meters (including surface and underground). The drill core samples were assayed by Certimin S.A. Laboratory in Lima (Peru) and ALS Chemex Laboratory in Lima (Peru). The planning, core logging and supervision were realized by the staff of Dynacor in Peru. The data verification and validation were realized by Dynacor (Peru) and Geologica (Val-d’Or, Quebec). The Company used appropriate QAQC protocol previously elaborated by Dynacor and Geologica, including blanks and standards.
Since 2002, Geologica was involved in:
► Data base validation.
► Additional sampling.
► Fieldwork survey.
► Technical evaluation reports NI 43-101 ( (2002, 2004, 2007-2009, 2011, 2015-2017)