Geologica provides consulting services in the area of earth sciences: technical studies, fieldworks, projects management, geoscientific compilations, audits, fair market project and property evaluations.
Geoscientific Compilation
► Data assemblage over properties in favorable areas in order to orient property selection.
► Analysis.
► Interpretation.
► Define mineral potential.
► Define exploration target selection.
Fieldwork and Exploration surveys
► Prospection, Detail Geological Mapping.
► Geochemical Surveys.
► Soil Sampling.
► Drill Planning and Supervision.
► Drill Core Logging and QA/QC Protocols.
► Intervention Permit Request.
Mapping and Geomatics
► Figures, Maps, Sections, Longitudinals showing recorded field data.
► 2D and 3D Modelling.
► Use of Software Packages such as ArcView, AutoCad, GEMS, Geotic, Genesis, Geoscience Analyst, etc…
Independent Technical Evaluation (NI 43-101)and Fair Market Value Reporting
► Technical Evaluation Reports (NI 43-101).
► Fair Market Value Evaluation Reports (FMV).
► Technical Work Reports with Figures and Maps.
► Audits and Ore Resource Estimations.
► Selection of Strategically Favourable Exploration Areas.